A sense of community

Not so long ago i was invited to take part in a small market stall with a few Stitch n Bitch friends selling the things we all make. The market had been set up by a group of residents in Cairns Street, Liverpool. The houses in the street have gradually been emptied and the residents that remain are fighting to stay, doing their absolute best to brighten up the area with painted murals, plants and generally injecting back a sense of community into the torn apart area.

Today that market went ahead in Cairns Street on what was the most beautifully sunny day we’ve had all year. I went out with the view that i probably wouldn’t sell a thing but i would have fun sitting with my friends for the day and chatting to people who passed by. I was right, i didn’t sell a thing, but i did buy a lovely hat from my friend Amy! Liz sold a couple of ipod covers and a flower pin, and we gave away (and ate!) a lot of cake.

It was beautiful. I have come away from the day with a big fat smile and sunburn, and I’m really happy to see there are people out there who have a sense of community and value the area they live in. We had some lovely comments about the things we had made, and we met some very lovely (and very generous) people. I wish them the best of luck with everything they do and i will certainly be returning to further show my support. If you’re near the area, do come along next time – I’ll let you know when the next one is 😉

Until then, here are some pictures of our lovely day, and if you spot anything you would like to buy, do get in touch!

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